Jason flew into Petersburg, Alaska two weeks ago, and five days ago he met Arlo and Alma and I on the wet tarmac at the Petersburg airport. The transition from our lives on land to our lives on Debonair happens physically the moment we step aboard, but it takes more time to make the mental and emotional shifts. And it takes work.

Although it’s been raining almost continuously since we arrived, we’ve been working in our foul weather gear and under tarps, and now Debonair’s systems are up and running, the electronics are functioning, her rig is up, and her lockers and tanks are full.

We’re getting used to the rhythms of living aboard again and we’re itching to get away. We leave Petersburg tomorrow, heading south through Wrangell Narrows toward Prince of Wales and Kuiu Islands., and, eventually, to British Columbia.
Thanks so much for reading! We’ll post more in the coming weeks. Do send any questions you have (about the boat or the place or anything else) our way.
We’ll leave you with a final image of fishermen repairing nets–a multiday process. Nobody stops for rain here.

Happy to see you all setting sail soon!
Thank you, Monifa! Hope to see you when we return to California!
Oh hooray !
So great to be off again no doubt .
Great to see pictures of the young’uns so grown up ,wow !
My news after a grueling one ‘n half years of Covid life in the Tenderloin is I hung up my Public Health Nurse hat .
Yep retired on May 20th ,it’s bliss.
I am also relocating to Washington,I had hoped for Salt Spring Island BC but border not open for me yet and I needed to take some action.
So, Washington it is .
I’ll be on the Key Penninsula ,Lakebay,Mayo Cove is the gorgeous little inlet .Teeny tiny .
Plenty of room at the homestead though so come visit if you like would be fabulous to see you all again.
Been a very very long time.
Go easy you guys
Congratulations, Jocelyn!!! The border issue is tough (we hope/expect to get permission to pass through BC on our way south this summer, though I don’t think we’ll get to spend much time ashore.) We just looked up Mayo Cove, though. What a great location!! If all goes as planned, we’ll get as far as Washington this summer. So maybe we can visit at some point. It would be great to see you!
Oh yes please do,would be great .
I’ll follow your progress .
So wonderful to hear that all is well with Debonair when you arrived & you are ready to head on out on this new leg of your adventure. Stay safe and have fun. We’re looking forward to your updates. Love Linda & Steven
Thank you, Linda and Steve! We were happy too to find Debonair in good shape after a year undercover. Petersburg may be the least windy place on Earth, so there wasn’t any chafe from the cover. Thanks for the good wishes. We’ll look forward to connecting via the blog this summer and in person in the fall.
Is Alma going to have to register that eyebrow as a loaded weapon? Ouch!!!
Right? Long hours at sea gave her the opportunity to perfect the single cocked eyebrow!
Safe travels, and keep sharing! I enjoy reading all of your posts.
Thank you, Nakisha! I hope we can try to see you again when we return!
Vaya con Dios
Gracias, y usted.
Yea for summer’s arrival! What a treat for us to have you share your impressions, thoughts & experiences as you are living them. Have a wonderful adventure.
Just so you know, Nancy shared the address to follow with you last year and I and others in Storrs CT are delighted to vicariously “sail” with you on your adventure. Stay safe and have a great summer experience. Pam Roberts (Storrs Congregational Church, Lead Lay Minister for Church Life and Hospitality)
Thank you for reading and for reaching out!
Great to hear from you. We’re think of coming out to California to see all of you. When do you expect to be back in California so we can coordinate with Meagan and see all of you?
Hi Bill!
So exciting to see that you four are out again! Have fun! Sending you an email now too!
Hope all’s well with your own adventure plans. I’ll be in touch.
How amazing to see you in such fond territory. All of your imagery sparks big memories and I’m thrilled to have the chance to see it through your eyes. Oh, the bright yellow and orange rain gear set against the stormy grey skies. Signature brown Grundens on every foot. The loads of food needing to be stored in the galley. The fishing boats and long seines piled on deck or dock. The water’s reflection. Thank you for sharing your story. I’m enamored and can’t wait to see more. I wish you a wonderful journey! Eat some sockeye for me!
Thank you for all those particulars, Meliss! (And for your kindness this school year.) Alaska and boats in general get into the blood, I guess.
Thank you, cousins!
Quelle coïncidence! For some reason you were in my dreams a couple of times this week, then your post arrived! Hope you have a wonderful summer of sailing adventures family style. I have a fair amount of
news which I’ll send to your email whenever you can access that. We are off to Portland next week to grandson Kyle’s graduation! He’s off to U of Montana in the fall. An early Happy birthday to you as well! Would love a cuppa when you all return.
Bises Kaye
Thanks for all this Kaye. I get email every couple weeks. I just put a note in my calendar to connect when we return in the fall! Hugs, c
Looks like another great adventure. Thanks for taking us along.
Thanks, Eve. Hope your summer is lovely on SJ Ave!
Another wonderful journey together! That’s awesome! Be safe.
Thank you!!
Thank you for news of your new adventure. I look forward to following along again. Good luck!!
Much love,
Laurie and the Sharon St gang
Thank you and love to you all!
So awesome and it makes me miss Alaska getting to see it in your photos. I’m so excited for this next big adventure and looking forward to the updates. GOOD JOB on the Covid vaccinations!
Love from Kansas,
Lou Anne
Thanks! Sending some Alaska love to KS!
Have a great summer, Crew of the Debonair!
Thank you, Kira!
God speed to you all. Let the restrictions of the pandemic be a thing of the past and journey on with a relatively free mind!
Thank you for such sweet wishes!