I’m happy to be sailing under the Golden Gate!
From Alma:
Although today is our 6th day out of San Francisco Bay, last night was the first time we sailed though the night. And I liked it. Sailing through the night felt slightly mysterious. The moon was really bright and the stars were really clear because we were away from city lights.
In the beginning of the night, I was on deck with my dad for a little bit and then came down below to sleep. At about midnight I woke up when big waves were causing the boat to lurch wildly. I had a lee cloth, which is a rectangular piece of webbing that you tie up at the edge of your bunk to keep you from falling out, but we hadn’t tested out our lee cloths yet, and when I woke up in the middle of the night, I felt like mine was in the wrong place and that I might fall out. On top of which I felt seasick. That was scary. So I got out of my bunk and came out on deck. It was my mom’s watch, so I hung out with her for a while, until I felt I could go back down below. This morning we anchored in San Luis Obispo Bay.

We’re starting homeschooling slowly, as we get used to the boat. We’ve been doing math and art and we’ll add English next. After I take a swim this afternoon, we’ll do some more lessons. Tomorrow will be a no school day because we’re getting underway at 4:00 a.m., bound for the Channel Islands.
What.a treat to hear from you Alma. You sound so adult and your message was so very descriptive that I could see what you were writing about. What a glorious adventure.
Hooray, an all the best and love to you all!!
Hi all-
So great to hear from your trip! I love the descriptions and can imagine being on the boat! Say hi to my son in San Luis Obispo! Nancy
Dear Alma,
I hope you are having fun. I love how you included a very vivid description of what has happened so far. When do you plan to start history? I miss you!
Your Friend,
Arthur: If you discover any new islands, I suggest that you name them after me. That was a good piece of writing because of all the details you put in the part about the middle of the night. I noticed that you didn't include how amazing the Pringles were. That surprised me.
Dear Sylvia, Arthur, and Frejjie,
Thank You! My mom says that we will probably start history in about 2 weeks. If we do find any new islands, we will name them after you Arthur…”Arthur Island”!!! We haven’t opened the Pringles Yet…YET!
Following your family voyage on the open sea from our dusty setting in the middle of the USA reminds us there are infinite ways to experience life and our planet. Thanks for sharing your adventure.
Safe sailing.
Judy & Mark Schrock
Good for you on night watch with your mom. I can assure you that it justo gets better and better.
Carry on dear.
Big hugs to all!
Wow! Thanks so much for sharing your adventures! Can’t wait to follow through your year and a day — it’s going to be fantabulous! Sending lots of love and hugs — Carol and Jesse
Hi all (but especially Alma since she’s wrote this update). This sounds so exciting- I remember my first overnight sail… I was so sleepy we had to play word games to stay awake! Thanks for sharing your trip with us and I hope you all have many more adventures to come.
Hey Alma, and everyone else. I just looked for the photo we have of Amelia on her night crossing with Beth and Gary. You wouldn’t know this, but the summer of their sail was when the movie A Perfect Storm came out, and not being sailors ourselves it did not help our anxieties, however unfounded they might have been. And then Gary sent us the photo: Amelia lashed to the mast! Just what was needed for us to relax!
We’re all eagerly following your adventure. Thanks so much for including us this way.
love, skip
Oh, Alma, I SO remember that feeling of being woken up by being thrown against my lee cloth…and then feeling sick! That’s the forepeak life! I hope it’s smooth from here, either that or you get your sea legs fast!
Oliver’s been asking about you all. His bedtime ritual has become a run-down of what kind of cake he’s going to give each person on his birthday…. you all are slated for various colors– red, green, etc.
We love you lots! xox
Hi Alma,
I love hearing your description about your the stars, moon and your lee cloth! I also love the pictures. I am so glad to be able to follow your amazing journey. Was the water cold when you sent for your swim?
I miss seeing you!
Hi Jana,
Thank you! The water was about 60 degrees…not too cold!!!
Hi Alma, and everyone! So great to hear from you…we can only imagine how beautiful the moon and stars are at night on the open sea, your adventure is coming to us here on the farm and we look forward to more updates…you are as free as the birds and as wild as the sea! Love to you all, Tam and Den
Wow! I am amazed and impressed – and grateful to get a glimpse of your amazing adventure! Enjoy, Cindy
WOW, Alma! I had not realized you had started your trek. I am so glad I can “sail” along with you and your family. What an adventure!
I’ll take good care of Grandma Nance and Chauncy while you are gone.
Soooooo cooooooool!!!!!!
Hi Alma! I hear you guys are in San Diego! I bet it looks great from the seas! I love your story and hope you post more of your experiences as you travel. I was wondering if you would like a pen pal during your adventure? My granddaughter, Summer, is a great writer and about your age. I think she would love to correspond with you. I will try and show her how to blog. 💗 to all!
Dear Alma and Arlo ,
How are you doing ?Moby is doing great, no worries. I wish we had send you news before! Plus, we didn’t
know how to send you a message! (until now !) We walk Moby a lot ( like what we are supposed to do )
and we do tricks with him, we even throw a tennis ball and he’ll get it ! (I wish I could send you a photo!)
It’s very different having him around ! I would really like to know more of what you do everyday on the boat ! I read a lot of what you guys rote and it must be awesome ! ( homeschooling). Have fun on the rest of the trip ! ~ Leonie
P.S. You Are Not Torturing Them Enough In Homework , Caitlin!!!! ^_^
Don’t Read this !
Dear Alma and Arlo ,
How are you doing ?Moby is doing great, no worries. I wish we had send you news before! Plus, we didn’t
know how to send you a message! (until now !) We walk Moby a lot ( like what we are supposed to do )
and we do tricks with him, we even throw a tennis ball and he’ll get it ! (I wish I could send you a photo!)
It’s very different having him around ! I would really like to know more of what you do everyday on the boat ! I read a lot of what you guys wrote and it must be awesome ! ( homeschooling). Have fun on the rest of the trip ! ~ Leonie
P.S. You Are Not Torturing Them Enough with Homework , Caitlin!!!! ^_^