Family and friends cast off our lines in Alameda on a Wednesday, as we hurriedly installed and stowed gear of every sort, and at the 13th hour we were off!
Leaving the Golden Gate Bridge in our wake.
The twenty-foot seas outside the Golden Gate kept us in the Bay a few more days and we enjoyed the hospitality of friends at Hyde Street Pier, Angel Island and the Dolphin Club. And then, just under a week later, we sailed under the Golden Gate Bridge, poured some rum into the water for Poseidon, and headed south to Half Moon Bay.
In the days that have followed, we’ve bashed through 12-foot seas under rainy skies, motored through calms, and sailed a glorious broad reach along the Point Sur coast, sometimes at 10 knots.
Arlo and Alma and friend Glenn have been excellent crew. And the seas and skies—in good weather and bad—have surrounded us with so much beauty. And so many birds!
Check out a few pix from our first days below:
Sailing away from Alameda.Early morning departure out of Santa Cruz.Already so many beautiful sunrises and sunsets.Looking ahead . . .we leave tomorrow morning at 4 am to round Point Conception bound for the Channel Islands.A & A exploring Pillar Point in the dinghy.After night watch.Arlo, suited up. Note the harness and tether, attached to the boat. We all wear harnesses when things are boisterous and at night.In this pic, you can see our white dinghy upside down on the deck–it has a tan canvas cover. You can also see two of the yellow “jack lines” that we clip into when we go forward to handle sails.Alma, suited up.Smaller boat, taller boat.To Arlo’s right, you can see tan canvas “weather cloths,” which help to keep spray out of the cockpit.When Jason’s taking the pictures, you gotta end with more beautiful sky photos. Especially if there are birds in the pictures.